Saturday, June 02, 2007

It's Mid-Year Already

It is June 6th. Just over half way through the year. I figured I would stop by here post a little and give you an update on the life and New Years resolutions.

Life is still going, which is good. I finished my first year at the univeristy a couple of weeks back. I beleive I passed all my classes, though I am still waiting on two final grades. I have to admit, exams are a little more stressful when your grade solely depends on it. I came home, moved my stuff back into my room, and continued with life. Yet life is not the same.

I think readjusting to hamoe life may take a while yet. I am having trouble I noticed, I even set my room up like a dorm room; only missing a mini-fridge. I have no desires to see the people that I left here, or that left here with me. In the year apart, we grew apart. Instead I long for next school year when I will see my new friends. I did venture out to a few high school events, though I felt like an ass. College mellowed me. I am much more calm than I ever was, and I think when I talk to people who weren't there for the transformation think I am being an asshole that doesn't care about their petty lives (and secretly I do not). Yet life lives on.

I did, upon returning, start up my work. I am back at the nursing home on the weekends. I realized that I have been there for almost four years now, which makes me the part-timer that has been there the longest. Saddening if you know what it is like. However, on the weekends I make my way to my grown up job. I still work at the factory where I worked last summer, where I am guaranteed work as part of my scholarship. However, I am no longer an operator. I have been moved up to an intern position. Which means that I sit in a cubicle eight hours a day and fill in spread-sheets. After two weeks of working, I can honestly say that I hate spread-sheets.

On to New Years resolutions. If you are anything like the person I used to be, you would have forgotten about these already...even more likely you didn't make any to begin with. However, I made three this year and heres a little status update for you.

#1: Find happiness, preferably with another
I was well on the way with this one. Though some may have figured from my posts that it left me feeling all torn-up inside. However, as is the way in these tales, it did not end up the way that I hoped. History repeated itself. We are now just good friends. But alas, I still have the next six months.

#2: Become a voice of 91.7 FM Student Radio in Madison
This one was simple. I went through the training program, and completed it. Now all I need to do is apply for a show next semester and I should have this one accomplished. I will let you know.

#3: Save some cash
I believe I was doing this one well. I had about double the most amount of money I had ever had. But, I am unfortunately a compulsive buyer. Within the past month I have spent around $1K and at the end of this week I am buying a motorcycle. So I guess you could say that so far I ahev failed. But the year is only half done with. Also, I am working two jobs this summer and I have two jobs next year at school. Which should allow me to save up a good $5K.

So that is life for me as of late. Let me know what you think.


Blogger Q said...

I love it that you take your New Year's resolutions seriously. More people should. I believe I'm doing wlel on mine...

9:13 PM  

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