Monday, November 13, 2006

La Haine

This post has been in the works for a week or so now. I have been quite hesitant on posting it because of personal reasons. See the problem with living in a dorm is that you live with other people. Bind that together with a Facebook account that has a link to your blog, well pretty much anyone that you know can find what you say. This means no whining about them.

Well I changed my mind. I need to get this out for the world to hear. I need to say what is on my chest. Three hairs and a crucifix.

I am going to write things like they could have happened to anybody, because in fact most of these happened to me, and a bunch of them I observed happening too.

So here is a little problem that I have noticed. Someone will be watching TV, or rather listening to it while doing homework or sitting at the computer and their roomate will walk in and just change the channel. From what I have figured out, the roomate is the one who owns the TV. That somehow gives them the rights to it, no? Well I disagree. It is merely childish to think of it being theirs so they can watch what they want when they want.

Another thing that I have witnessed is someone walking into a room with the door closed. It really makes me wonder what is going through that person's head when they decide to open someones door. 'Hmm, maybe this one will be unlocked, empty and have some good loot.' Or possibly, 'Maybe this one will be unlocked and I can catch someone doing it.' Or finally, 'This seems like the best way to be an ass.'

I am hoping all of you know the Rules of Public Urination, or are familiar with my 'Shield' move. Well one of the rules is that you do not engage in conversation while you are going. Never. One video I saw detailed in the possible outcome and, well everyone ended up dead. Well, in relation to this rule and a few of the others, I think that they should also apply to public showering. There should be no conversation between two or more parties before, during, or after the act of showering in public. Nor should direct eye contact be made for obvious reasons. The spacing rule should also be taken into account. When possible take the stall on an end. Then you take one that is not adjacent to an occupied one. If one of those cases can't be found, you come back later.

In our dorm we observe curtessy hours at eleven o'clock on school days. That is patrolled and enforced by our House Fellows. Well it should also be enforced within a room. It makes no sense to have a rule saying that it has to be quiet outside of a room if your roomate cannot be quiet within.

People should also realize that their background when they moved here is now completely irrelevant to where they are now. I don't care if mommy and daddy are paying for your food, or housing, or tuition, or even the whole shebang. Some of us are making it through, but barely. There should be no flaunting of money, nor expressing that mommy or daddy needs to refill the food account cause sonny is hungry. I do think that scholarships are to be waved proudly. Every damn cent you earn from your hard work should be waved along with them. But the money that mommy and daddy hand you should not.
Also, I don't care if you had your own heirarchy back home where you were king, you no longer have that here. That is unless you earn it. But they way you are used to treating your friends won't fly here unless your new friends are the same as your old. I am tired of being told that my opinion is wrong. When has an opinion ever been wrong? When? I believe, if I am quoting word for word, then opinion means: a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. Therefore if I state my opinion on a subject it is in no way wrong. Deal with it you fallen kings.

So if you are reading this, and you live in my dorm please take not and try to avoid these situations.


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